Releases LXR 0.9 and 0.10 are deprecated, information is kept here only for historical record.

These releases contain numerous bugs, some of which can be qualified "blocking". If you are considering installing a fresh LXR service, always prefer the latest release. You will experience a dramatic performance boost and installation is a lot easier.

Bug reports will not be accepted.

The last task is to configure your web server. Instructions below are given for Apache and mod_perl.

INSTALL document in previous versions of LXR told to edit httpd.conf. This presents serious drawbacks. A better approach is to write your configuration in a file lxrserver.conf (any name will do as long as extension is .conf) and store it into /etc/httpd/conf.d/. It is automatically read at server initialisation and merged with httpd.conf. You can keep a copy in your home directory and whenever the server is updated, all you have to do is store again this file in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory.

Access to the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory requires root privileges.

Fire up your webbrowser and go to http://localhost/lxr/source. You should see the content of the directory of the default version for your tree.