You went through the pain of configuring LXR for your mammoth project which took genxref dozens of hours to index and when you launch your browser you get a 500 Internal server error laughing hysterically at you.

DON'T PANIC! This may be fixed in a matter of seconds.



You disregarded the importance of question

Is your Apache version 2.4 or higher? [YES/no] >

and pressed "return" because the default answer is correct for most of the preceding questions. For your defence, this insignificant-looking question is "lost" among others.


An .htaccess file containing configuration directives recognised by Apache 2.4 or higher has been copied to your LXR root directory. Apache 2.2 errors out when it encounters these directives.


Caveat! If you customised any xxx-lxrserver.conf, or lxr.css file, backup them before proceeding in order to be able to reload them without having to go through customisation again.

Rerun a new fake configuration with the wizard:

$ ./scripts/ --conf-out=dummy WARNING: output configuration file test has an unusual extension! Configure for single/multiple trees? [S/m] > Do you intend to add other trees later? [yes/NO] > Server type? [dedicated/SHARED] > --- Host name or IP? [//localhost] > --- Alias name or IP? > URL section name for LXR in your server? [/lxr] > Database engine? [MYSQL/oracle/postgres/sqlite] > --- Directory for glimpse databases? > /g Is your Apache version 2.4 or higher? [YES/no] > n --- Use 'buttons-and-menus' instead of 'link' interface? [YES/no] > When this point is reached, all server configuration files have been copied into custom.d/ and .htaccess has been replaced by a fresh copy.

You can either abort the rest of configuration by typing ctl+C (^C) or continue, accepting default answers and giving arbitrary directory, file or version names (which do not need to exist) to open questions.

Erase files dummy, dummy.ctxt and from custom.d/.

Eventually, restore your customised custom.d/ files.

You're done. Relaunch your browser.