The tree-specific parameters are contained in parameter_group-n (with n not equal to 0 (zero)) and are read in only when the combined value of 'hostnames', 'virtroot' and, eventually, 'treename' matches the access URL.

This section (parameter_group-n) may eventually override global parameters (see here). A tree-specific section contains everything needed to describe access to a tree: { 'host_names' => host_name_in URL # 0.11+ , 'virtroot' => URL_without_hostname_part , 'treename' => tree_name_when_in_argument # 2.0+ , 'caption' => header_title # 0.10+ , 'shortcaption' => tree_button_title # 0.11+ , 'baseurl' => access_URL # deprecated 0.11+ , 'baseurl_aliases'=> URL_aliases # deprecated 0.11+ , 'sourceroot' => repository_for_source_tree , 'sourcetext' => checked_out_source_tree # 2.3+ , 'sourcerootname' => root_title_in_displayed_path , 'sourceparams' => optional_parameters_for_repository , 'sourceaccess' => HTML_access_to_source_tree # 0.10+ , 'ignoredirs' => [ list_of_directories_to_ignore ] , 'filterdirs' => [ list_of_regexps_for_directories ] # 1.1+ , 'ignorefiles'=> regexp # 1.1+ , 'filterfiles'=> [ list_of_regexps_for_files ] # 1.1+ , 'incprefix' => [ list_of_include_directories ] , 'maps' => { rules_for_path_transformation } # -0.11 (see note below) , 'maps' => [ rules_for_path_transformation ] # 1.0+ , 'variables' => { 'v' => { 'name' => display_name_for_this_variable , 'when' => conditional_expression # 1.0+ , 'range' => list_of_values , 'default' => default_value } # , other_variable => { ... } } , 'dbname' => DB_interface_and_DB_designation , 'dbprefix' => DB_table_prefix , 'dbuser' => DB_user_name , 'dbpass' => DB_user_password , 'glimpsedir' => directory_for_glimpse_index_files # deprecated 1.0+ | unless specific need, prefer auto , 'swishdir' => directory_for_swish-e_index_files # deprecated 1.0+ | naming with xxxdirbase + virtroot }

You write one such section per tree.

Perl-type of 'maps' parameter changed in release 1.0 to allow a controlled application order of the rules.

Deprecation notes: