The global parameters are contained in
and are always read in.
They may however be overriden in a tree-specific section
(see here).
Though it is somewhat arbitrary to tell a parameter is global or
the following list meets general agreement:
{ 'routing' => URL_decoding_method # 2.0+
, 'tmpdir' => directory_for_temporary_files
, 'glimpsebin' => path_to_glimpse
, 'glimpseindex' => path_to_glimpseindex
, 'glimpseindexopts' => options_for_glimpseindex # 2.2+
, 'glimpsedirbase' => root_for_glimpse_indexes # 1.0+
, 'swishbin' => path_to_swish-e
, 'swishconf' => path_to_swish-e.conf # 0.11+
, 'swishdirbase' => root_for_glimpse_indexes # 1.0+
, 'ectagsbin' => path_to_ctags
, 'ectagsconf' => path_to_ectags.conf
, 'magicmime' => path_to_magic_signature_file # 2.0+
, 'cvspath' => possible_directories_for_cvs_tools
, 'gitpath' => possible_directories_for_git_tools # 2.0+
, 'svnpath' => possible_directories_for_Subversion_tools # 2.0+
, 'hgpath' => possible_directories_for_Mercurial_tools # 2.0+
, 'bkpath' => possible_directories_for_BitKeeper_tools # 2.0+
, 'host_names' => list_of_host_names
, 'htmlxxx' => location_of_HTML_templates
, 'stylesheet' => location_of_CSS_style_sheet
, 'alternate_stylesheet' => [ other_stylesheets ] # 0.11+
, 'encoding' => default_character_encoding
, 'diffleftwidth' => width_of_left_panel_in_diff
, 'indentdefonly' => default_identifier_search_constraint
, 'iconfolder' => directory_for_custom_file_icons # 0.10+
, 'diricon' => icon_for_directories # 0.10+
, 'parenticon' => icon_for-parent_directory # 1.2+
, 'defaulticon' => default_icon_for_files # 0.10+
, 'icons' => association_between_file_extension_and_icon # 0.10+
, 'graphicfile' => extensions_of_graphic_files
, 'graphicicon' => icon_for_graphic_files # 0.10+
, 'genericconf' => location_of_generic.conf
, 'filetype' => association_between_language_and_parser
, 'interpreters' => association_between_script_and_parser
, 'filetypeconf' => path_to_file_for_filetype_interpreters # 0.11+
, 'treeextract' => optional_pattern_to_find_treename_in_URL # 0.9.9+
, 'ignorefiles' => pattern_for_filename_exclusion # 1.1+
They contain values shared by all trees.
Used in multiple trees context to locate the tree name in the URL,
it is related to URL-processing to route the HTTP request to the LXR scripts.
Its definition has better be consistent with the web-server configuration.
It is also used when the URL does not pertain to any known tree to try
and display a sensible name for the desired tree.
It is not considered wise to override it in a tree section.
Frequently overriden in tree sections but do not forget to merge the global
exclusion rule into the tree-specific one.